Category: JB-H

Triple Bill 1

Horror Show Triple Bill – The Interview, Pregnancy & Hello? Hell…o?

In recent years, there has been a deluge of short indie horror games of fluctuating quality. Every now and then, something special rises to the top of this churning mass, like They Breathe or Home. However, for every interesting little game, there’s ten lazy rip-offs. With that in mind, here are three bitesize horror games for your delight and/or disgust. Read more …

Grim 5

Grim Fandango Remastered Review

In a past editorial, I riled against the fact that most video game developers seem to consider ‘story’ to be one of the least important factors of a game. However, back in the 90s when adventure games were riding high, games were valued on the strength of their narratives, and few have been as acclaimed as Grim Fandango, which was recently remastered and released on PS4, PS Vita and Steam. Read more …