Category: JB-H

Sad Games 7

6 Sad Video Games to Dampen Your Christmas

I was in the supermarket earlier in the week when I heard the latest Band Aid single. Christmas has officially begun, and I despair. For those of you who hate Christmas as much as I do, I’ve compiled a short list of sad games that will make even the jolliest of fat, hairy old men with sacks exclaim ‘Bah! Humbug!’. Here are six games that will pour some much-needed misery on your season of good will. Read more …

Contrast 1


Let’s cast our eyes back to the heady yesteryear that was 2013. The PS4 was on the horizon, and the gaming community waited with baited breath to see what delights were in their future. Unfortunately, the launch line-up was a little anemic to say the least.

However, there was one game that stood out from the crowd of sequels and mediocrity, and that game was Contrast, a third-person puzzle platformer which incidentally is also available on Xbox and PC. Read more …