As 2013 draws to a close, we at Zero1gaming have looked back at this year’s highlights. There have been some highs (Bioshock, GTA, Tomb Raider) some lows (Aliens Colonial Marines, Don Mattrick’s face) and the downright ugly… that’s Don Mattrick’s face again.
But now is not the time to look back and repent; that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for. Now is the time to look forward to the future – to look at what might be, cross our fingers and hope for the best. Bearing that in mind, your friends at Zero1Gaming have got together and pulled together some of their predictions for what 2014 may hold. If we remember, we may revisit them this time next year to see who is more Mystic Meg and who is more Derek Acorah.
What game are you most looking forward to in 2014?
Drew Pontikis – I’m unbelievably excited about Star Wars Battlefront. It’s the standout title that’s in the pipeline as far as I’m concerned, and frankly every console generation deserves a spankingly good Star Wars game.
Joseph Butler-Hartley – It’s obviously Watch Dogs, which was cruelly withheld from us this year. I’ve got my bandanna and baseball cap all ready.
Kimo Kuppe – Bayonetta 2 but since I remember the first ones lengthy release I wouldn’t be surprised if it ended up being the game I look forward to in 2015
Paul Izod – Dragon Age: Inquisition – No one suspects the Dragon Age Inquisition!
Oliver Smith – Shamefully last-gen though it is, Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow 2 is the one to watch for me. All those vampiric atrocities cannot come quickly enough.
Which console are we all going to be playing in 2014?
DP – PS4. That said, people tend to buy what they’re friends play on, and I don’t know anyone who pre-ordered the PS4. Everyone’s getting the One.
JBH – I’ll be sticking to my PC and Wii U.
KK – Like JBH I’m stoked about my PC and Wii U and also my 3DS
PI – Xbox One for me personally – anything but the WiiU for most people in general I suspect.
OS – Considering my current financial position is somewhere between pauper and sewer rat as a result of it, I’ll probably go with PS4.
Which month will Microsoft try and sneak the check-in online every 24hrs code back in with an XBone system update?
DP – June
JBH – November
KK – January
PI – Not at all next year, you cynics you.
OS – February
Will anyone actually buy a PS Vita this year now it’s compatible with the PS4?
DP – Unless it comes as part of a PS4 bundle, no. That would be awesome though Sony should definitely do that.
JBH – Not unless Sony follow Nintendo’s example with the 3DS and put lots of effort into releasing better games for it.
KK – Probably but it won’t be me!
PI – I’m sure someone, somewhere will buy it. And there you will find someone with more money than sense.
OS – Maybe me. I’m desperate for its technical capabilities but cannot justify the purchase due to lack of great games.
Which game is going to be the biggest surprise of 2014?
DP – I’m going to go with Homefront 2. The first one was brilliant online so hopefully the sequel picks up where that one left off.
JBH – Murdered: Soul Suspect. It sounds like L.A. Noire crossed with Beetlejuice. What’s not to love?
KK – Possibly Dragon Age: Inquisition which I hope will either be the savior of gaming or suck so bad it kills Bioware. Or maybe Nintendo could actually surprise me for a change and do something cool with Zelda U
PI – If I guess right then surely it wasn’t a surprise?? I’ll go with Baron Von Teacup’s Ludicrous Adventure for the Sega Megadrive – now that would be a surprise!
OS – God of War IV. Announced in January, here to disembowel everyone in November. You heard it here first folks.
Which game will be the biggest flop of 2014?
DP – Destiny. I so want to believe that it will be brilliant, but I know it’s going to be the biggest anti-climax since Remember Me.
JBH – The Elder Scrolls Online. I think MMORPG’s have had their day, and I just can’t see console owners flocking to spend £8.99 a month on another one.
KK – I spitefully hope with the rage only a jilted lover feels that it will be Dragon Age: Inquisition.
PI – Elder Scrolls Online – It will sell loads, but will fall flat as it will fail to hold the same magic as the solo games – some games shouldn’t have multiplayer
OS – Titanfall. It’ll be good, no doubt – but such is the ludicrous level of expectation, it’s doomed to fall short.
DP – I think they’ll take the lazy option and go with Ghosts 2.
JBH – Call of Duty: The Ghosts Strike Back
KK – Call of Duty: Something Whatever Just give us your money, Suckers
PI – Call of Duty: Guns of the Revengeance Dog Infinite Scrolls Redemption Raider
OS – Treyarch will go minimalistic and it will be a WW1 game simply named Call of Duty.
Will Watch Dogs be worth the wait?
DP – Yes
JBH – It better be, or they’ll be some angry gamers out there.
KK – It’s Ubisoft right? No way.
PI – It might be if they take the time to improve the rough edges, but I fear it will have missed the novelty boat coming so long after the release of the console. Many of its features won’t feel so new.
OS – Yes and no. It will be very good. It’s just never going to escape the shadow of Rockstar’s car-stealing behometh.
Will 2014 see a proper game fully embrace Kinect 2.0?
DP – No
JBH – Definitely not
KK – Yes and it will allow gamers to finally interact with their anime wife like no game has ever allowed before, or should allow. This grope simulator will cause a negative birth rate to occur in the US and Japan.
PI – Fully embrace? No, as motion capture is not a precise or responsive enough input method for a ‘proper’ game by its very nature.
OS – Of course. Owners of FIFA15 have to take the console to their nearest football pitch.
The big one: will 2014 see Half Life 3?
DP – No. It’s just not going to happen
JBH – Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows.
KK – Yeah and also Duke Nukem Forev… oh wait that actually came out… Gonna go with yes just so I can lord it over you all if I’m right.
PI – Nah, we’d have heard something by now.
OS – Absolutely. It’s set to be released on the same day as Agent and The Last Guardian.
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Drew Pontikis
Drew Pontikis is an avid gamer and writer. A fan of racing sims and first person shooters, Drew is notable for talking almost exclusively using Futurama quotes.He's usually found in front of his Xbox or his laptop, follow him on Twitter as Gamertag: drewski060609
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