During a Blizzcon panel, Senior Producer Yong Woo revealed that Hearthstone will receive a Spectator Mode alongside the new Goblins vs Gnomes expansion. The upcoming expansion is set to introduce more than 120 new cards to Hearthstone. Spectator Mode will allow players to spectate on anyone in their friend list. They will be able to see what the active player is doing in terms of attacks, spells and which cards they are hovering over. The spectator will be able to hover over cards in hand to read the stats and texts.
Players will be notified when someone starts spectating. The player can either let the spectator watch them or choose to kick them. Spectating can also be set to invite only. The mode also allows friends to sync up with each other for games more seamlessly.
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Ryan Mills
I have always had a passion for writing, filmmaking and animating. I split my time between playing video games, writing about games and talking about games. If I’m not doing that I’m either cheering on my beloved Newcastle United or fighting crime
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