Alright, so The Sims 4 has been out for quite some time now, especially as expansion and stuff packs have begun to be available for the game. As a dedicated player and a lover of The Sims 3, I believed it could only get better with The Sims 4. I mean, I have seen how thorough and advanced the Create-A-Sim function is, allowing the player to make rounder butts, bigger boobs, and slimmer guts. Almost anything is possible when it comes to creating a new sim.Also a new plus is the added feature of emotions. Each sim now has emotions that alter and change from Anger to Sadness to Love depending on their social interactions. With these new features and aspects, I assumed that the rest of the gameplay was all uphill from there. After I purchased the game and began my journey, unfortunately, I was slightly let down. As I played The Sims 4, I realized that many of the things I love about The Sims 3 were slightly degraded in The Sims 4. No longer can the Sims drive, ride, or walk to their destinations. No siree, now they magically transport there as the player watches the ever-thrilling loading screen. Also The Sims 4 completely removed the aspect of a toddler. Now babies grow up straight into children. I do not know about other players, but I loved when my Sim’s babies became toddlers, in The Sims 3. During this stage parents could read to their children, teach them to walk and talk, and potty train them. Also customization has been completely wiped from The Sims 4. When it comes to picking out an outfit or new furniture, a player is only able to pick from the colors given and that is that, no more creating colors and using patterns. My creative side silently lets a tear fall at this loss of customization.
Now, just because I do have a few complaints about The Sims 4 does not mean that I hate it, quite the contrary actually. I really enjoy it and plan to continue to give them my money for future projects within the series. However, I know for a fact that I would enjoy the game so much more if I had these features back. Without them, although, I believe the game has become less realistic. Yes, the people and families I create within the game, look more like those that we see in our everyday life, unfortunately how they live out these lives has lessened when looking at its realistic nature. Mostly, I am bitter about not being able to travel within The Sims 4 like a normal human being. Especially, since I would rather not spend a majority of my time playing The Sims 4, staring at a loading screen. In the time it took you to read this, I would still be staring at a loading screen as my Sim travels. In a perfect world my demands would be met and The Sims 4 would be everything I want it to be and more. However, this is not a perfect world and that is only wishful thinking. For those of you who are interested in The Sims 4 and have yet to play it, do not let my words deter you from trying it out. The Sims 4 has so many great things to offer its players when it comes to utilizing their creative side. Plus the graphics have improved substantially in comparison to its predecessors. The Sims 4 is a great game with great graphics and is truly an outlet to let your imagination run wild. I am merely a lover of the series, who had a few disgruntled thoughts to share about the latest game.
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Taylor Barkley
It’s actually quite simple. I love writing. I love playing video games. So, why not combine the two? When I’m not focusing on my academics, I’m either writing or playing video games. As a writer and avid reader I love a good story, because of this I tend to lean towards games that have a strong narrative aspect. Currently, I am studying Computer Science and Game Design in North Carolina. My ultimate goal being to one day make a name for myself in the game narrative field.