Tag: Final Fantasy VIII

The Ghost of Gaming Past

With it being the chirstmassy time of year and approaching the end of another year, there are many an article to be found discussing what people’s most anticipated games of the upcoming year are. Now this is all very well and undoubtedly an important subject. The upcoming titles due in the next 12 months, be they AAA titles or lesser known products, are the bricks and mortar of the future of gaming, a future that promises to be glowing. However, being the contrarian so and so that I am, I’ve found it difficult to really find much to get me excited in the coming year. For every Bioshock Infinite out there, there seems to be a hundred cookie-cutter FPS bland-a-thons. Read more …

My Retro Years: Paul Izod

One question above all others is asked between gamers across the globe: ‘What’s the best game you’ve ever played?’ I’ve been asked this many times and, like anyone, the answer can change depending on my mood, or just over time as new titles are experienced. However, recent queries around this issue have caused me to reflect back at the number of series and styles I have played, drifting back to some of the first games I ever played through to the most recent ones I’ve just reviewed. During this process I had something of an epiphany and it was this:

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