Tag: xbox 360

Dark FI

Realmforge Studios’ Dark Review

Video games labeled under the “Stealth” genre stamp of classification can often be lethargic in essence and assess our fortitude in an effort to forge an atmosphere of suspense and vigilance. However, these games often require a degree of expertise that many casual consumers don’t have. Realmforge Studios’ 2013 release “Dark” is by designation indeed a stealth game; but man, oh man, it is much more. Read more …

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In Pursuit of Fun

Since we’re still in the quiet, early stages of 2014 and most of the year’s games have yet to be released, the topics for these articles of mine are becoming all the more difficult to come up with. You try writing about games twice a week for over a year and see how well you do without a constant stream of games or gaming news. These dry periods would normally be the time that I’d dig around my gaming collection and see if I could do a retrospective review of a classic title, or scour the internet to see if there’s a scrap of gaming news to be had.

This week, though, I have done none of that. Read more …


Dark Souls 2

In the interest of full disclosure I am going to preface this review by admitting that I never played the first Dark Souls, not even a little bit of it. Although there is some regret of never having sampled the previous entry in the series, it has in turn allowed me to approach the sequel as a fresh entity, without any preconceived notions of what to expect. So has From Software’s mercilessly difficult RPG hooked its teeth into me as it has so many others? You bet your ass it has.

Your journey begins as you awake, a cursed being in the strange new realm known as Drangleic. Soon after creating your character, the game has a small, tutorial like area to show you the main mechanics before unleashing you into the mysterious, danger filled world and leaving you to your own devices. There is a story linked to the curse that afflicts your character and the search for a cure, but this by and large plays second fiddle to the wonderful exploration. Read more …

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Perfect Time

I’ve spoken before about the pros and cons of early adoption when it comes to new hardware. This applies to both consoles and PC components, but for today I’ll be focusing on the former. Getting a new console on release day isn’t something that everyone should be doing. For a lot of people, the best time to get a console is when there are some really good games available for it. These system-selling titles don’t tend to come around until a good few months into any console’s life. Hell, some of them don’t have them even over a year down the line (just take a look at the WiiU). Keeping a level head and only getting a new console when the time is right – that’s the key. Read more …