Author: Sebastian Young

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Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Review

We’re at that time of year where we’ve played through the games we got in the madness that was the holiday season and we’re now waiting, semi-patiently, for the big hitters of 2015 to land in our grubby mitts. So, while we’re waiting for Bloodbourne, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4, what’s worth playing?

Well, I’m here to tell you that Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare on PS4 could be just the filler to plug that gaming gap of yours… so to speak. Is it a perfect game? No. But it is a very well designed and, most importantly, fun game to play. Let’s get started shall we?

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2014: The Year in Review

2014 was a strange year for video games. It was the year that saw the PS4 and XB1 smash console sales records, despite not having any truly compelling games to play on them. It was the year of buggy, broken or just plain disappointing 3rd party titles. It was the year of “GamerGate”. It was the year in which Nintendo sat in the corner and quietly released smash hit after smash hit. In short, 2014 was a bit of a roller-coaster.

With the year behind us and 2015 beckoning us hither, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on where we are and how we got here.

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Honeymoon’s Over

A few months ago I finally joined the new-generation and splashed out on a PS4, along with Destiny and The Last Of Us Remastered. I’ve played those games a lot, too much perhaps, over the last several months. But I’ve found that with each passing week I’ve been looking over the fence at “the others” with mounting jealousy.

And by “the others” I don’t mean those individuals who chose Microsoft’s gargantuan monolith. I mean the brave, faithful, foresighted folks who signed up to “Next-Gen” early and picked up a Wii U. The clever bastards.

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Die, you bastard!

I had decided that I wasn’t going to write about Destiny anymore. But then something very funny happened and I changed my mind. Last week was my anniversary with my fiancé and she gave me a unique gift.

See, for the last 2 months she has put up with me playing Destiny obsessively, disappearing into the Playstation for hours at a time. Turns out though that she hasn’t been idle during that time. No, instead she has been methodically cataloguing my conversations with the various people on my fire-team. My present was a list of the weirdest, and funniest things I’ve apparently said over the last 8 weeks.

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I Wish I Knew How To Quit You

It’s been about 6 weeks since I arrived home from work one day to find an Amazon delivery waiting for me. Inside was a Destiny PS4 bundle, along with a copy of The Last Of Us Remastered. Being a PS Plus subscriber, I also had instant access to about 10 games that I’d been storing away since last year.

So out of all the games at my disposal over the past month, which one is my favourite? Well, that’s a tricky one to answer, since the only one I’ve played is Destiny. Despite it’s flaws and annoyances, I just can’t stop playing the damn thing, God help me.

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