Author: Drew Pontikis



Evolve is a difficult review for me, as I can’t help but view it through the prism of my own weighty expectations. For a long time, Evolve has looked like the game that was finally going to kick start the age of PS4 and XBone, using the grunt to power something different and innovative rather than something that’s the same but prettier. Regardless, any new franchise is always going to invoke adulation and derision in equal measure, either for finally being something different to the existing fare or for being too different to what we’re used to. Either way, it was very much a sense of anticipation that washed over me as the disc went into the Xbox and I sat back to see how it all panned out. Read more …


2014 – Game of the Year

As 2014 draws to a close, it is a time for reflection. to my mind, 2014 has been potentially the most disappointing gaming year in some considerable time. Great expectations have turned into damp squibs as the next console generation has failed to get into its stride, and time and time again anticipation of the next big title has let us down. That said, its not all been doom and gloom – there have been some real gems nestled in the mound of mediocrity, and the guys at Zero1Gaming have got together to bring you their highlights. Let us all hope that Paul doesn’t bang on about Dragon Age too much….  (Ed’s note: What? It’s awesome!) Read more …


Far Cry 4 – Ubisoft Finally Get It Right

Having seen the internet-sized backlash to Assassins Creed Unity, it was with some trepidation that I put my Far Cry 4 disc into my Xbox. As implied here and here, Far Cry 3 was one of my favourite games of the previous generation, and the possibility of the sequel suffering the same depressing fate as its sister franchise was a very real possibility. The words of Creative Directors stating that certain elements were not going to be present as they were ‘prioritising’ did nothing to alleviate the growing knot in my stomach. I have therefore decided to take my time to be able to get a true understanding of the game I have in front of me before posting my review. Read more …

Pure Pool™_20140707154831

Pure Pool

When I was growing up, most of the time I should have spent at college, part time job and, later, university was spent playing snooker and pool. There was a particularly nice arrangement in my local pool hall when I was at uni where table time was a pound an hour between midnight and six in the morning, which was about all I could afford. This may have had some input on me dropping out of uni, but as many previous employers have told me it was time very much well spent. I therefore feel qualified to provide expert opinion on Pure Pool, the latest release from VooFoo Studios on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Read more …


Defense Grid 2

Tower defense games can prove to be a bit divisive; some find them an enjoyable strategic distraction from the high octane adrenaline fuelled world of first person shooters, whilst some view them as tedious drudgery barley scraping above being a marginally interactive screensaver. I however, fall into the first category. I find a good tower defence game to be something quite aesthetically pleasing; there is an idle joy to be had in watching strings of enemy units wind their way through a maze of laser beams and artillery fire, slowly dwindling down to being extinguished. As a fan then, when I saw the release of Defense Grid 2 on the Xbox One I felt that it might well be my sort of game. Read more …


What Do Your Gaming Habits Say About You?

Many of you will not be familiar with the term ‘Big Data’, so let me give you a crash course on the hottest potato to hit the data analytical industry since the Experian credit report. You, whoever you are or however careful you think you are, are ridiculously careless with your digital profile. Everything you look at, everything you research; everything you accidentally click on is noted, stored and more often than not sold on to the highest bidder to get a better understanding of you as a person. You may have seen recently an in depth review of Facebook’s terms and conditions, one of which is whilst signed in to Facebook, you give them permission to harvest data on your browser history. Facebook offers an amazing amount of information on you to someone who is looking to assess you as a potential customer, and big business is slowly waking up to that fact. Read more …