All I seem to write about these days is Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Now, part of this is my fault: in the wide world of gaming, there has to be more to write about on any given day. The trouble is that, for starters, a lot of it is less interesting to me. Some of it is outright banal in comparison. I don’t want to be that guy that posts uninteresting dross. Yes, I realise the irony in this statement should you not give a toss about FFXIV.
The flip side of this coin is that there’s a lot I could write about, but choose not to. I could rant for volumes on matters that very few people care about, or in some cases, very few people care about far too much. In circumstances like this, I try to boil my viewpoint down to a more succinct statement where possible, so that if I feel utterly compelled to let loose my bile, it’s at least of a length unlikely to induce a coma. Depending on the topic matter, this can be difficult, but not always. Read more …