Category: Reviews


Zombie Army Trilogy Review

The only good National Socialist is a dead National Socialist. Unless they’re the undead, in which case… Ah hell, there are no good National Socialists. But that being so, in Rebellion’s Zombie Army Trilogy, we’re given the tools needed to balance that equation right out.

Originally released as DLC for Sniper Elite V2, ZAT delivers remastered versions of those two zombie blasters, as well as a brand new chunk of brains to splatter across walls. Set in an alternate reality where Hitler, the fat handed twat, instead of blowing his brains out in his Berlin bunker, initiates “Plan C”, releasing a undead horror upon a dilapidated Germany. With the country now full of zombified Nazis, it’s time to break out the old Springfield and head for home.

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Triple Bill 1

Horror Show Triple Bill – The Interview, Pregnancy & Hello? Hell…o?

In recent years, there has been a deluge of short indie horror games of fluctuating quality. Every now and then, something special rises to the top of this churning mass, like They Breathe or Home. However, for every interesting little game, there’s ten lazy rip-offs. With that in mind, here are three bitesize horror games for your delight and/or disgust. Read more …


Creating A First Gaming PC On A Budget

I have always been interested in the differences between consoles capabilities, I like to see which games look better on which consoles and I’m addicted to watching graphics comparisons on newly released games.

Often these graphics comparison videos show footage from  Xbox, Playstation and PC, though I paid closest attention to the consoles I was also jealously watching the PC footage in awe of how it was always ahead of the competition by a long way. So I have decided to stop fretting about differences between consoles and just dive into the complex pool of PC parts, heat sinks, CPU’s GPU’s memory and RAM (“memory IS RAM!”) and this is my experience.

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Tropico 5 PS4 Preview

Bienvenido el Presidente!

Kalypso’s long running Tropico series will soon be washing up on a golden, palm tree fringed beach called PS4, marking the first time one of the island-nation building games has come to casa de Playstation. I for one could not be more excited! Let’s take a little goosey gander shall we? Before I get started, take a peek at this video showing some of the PS4’s gameplay in action. I’ll be waiting for you…

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Grim 5

Grim Fandango Remastered Review

In a past editorial, I riled against the fact that most video game developers seem to consider ‘story’ to be one of the least important factors of a game. However, back in the 90s when adventure games were riding high, games were valued on the strength of their narratives, and few have been as acclaimed as Grim Fandango, which was recently remastered and released on PS4, PS Vita and Steam. Read more …