Category: PS4

monitor or tv

Review – Sony KDL50W8 The Best Gaming TV Available Today?

I often dispute with my fellow gamers about my preference of gaming on a big screen TV instead of a monitor. After all it is a very important discussion as without a screen you can’t get very far no matter what game you play.

I see the advantage to using a monitor, it means you can get up close and personal and they are usually designed to handle motion well which is of course important, although I much prefer gaming on a colossal TV, relaxed on the sofa. Get a big enough TV and you get the same effect of playing with your face three inches from a monitor. Read more …

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare_20150118081011

Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Review

We’re at that time of year where we’ve played through the games we got in the madness that was the holiday season and we’re now waiting, semi-patiently, for the big hitters of 2015 to land in our grubby mitts. So, while we’re waiting for Bloodbourne, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4, what’s worth playing?

Well, I’m here to tell you that Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare on PS4 could be just the filler to plug that gaming gap of yours… so to speak. Is it a perfect game? No. But it is a very well designed and, most importantly, fun game to play. Let’s get started shall we?

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DAI Slider

Dragon Age: Inquisition – XboxOne & PS4

Long-time readers will probably be aware of my love for the Dragon Age series. I’ve covered both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II on these very pages over the last couple of years.

I hailed the first as an excellent and challenging technical combat RPG, praising its depth and scale, while highlighting its unforgiving nature and its potential to put off the more casual gamer. Read more …