Category: JA


Creating A First Gaming PC On A Budget

I have always been interested in the differences between consoles capabilities, I like to see which games look better on which consoles and I’m addicted to watching graphics comparisons on newly released games.

Often these graphics comparison videos show footage from  Xbox, Playstation and PC, though I paid closest attention to the consoles I was also jealously watching the PC footage in awe of how it was always ahead of the competition by a long way. So I have decided to stop fretting about differences between consoles and just dive into the complex pool of PC parts, heat sinks, CPU’s GPU’s memory and RAM (“memory IS RAM!”) and this is my experience.

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New 3DS XL Console Review: Majora’s Mask Edition

I’m a big fan of The Legend Of Zelda series. I wish I could say that I’ve been a fan from the beginning when the original was released on the NES in ’87, but it was 1998’s N64 release that introduced me and many others to this epic saga. I was 8 years old when Ocarina Of Time was released and I loved the game, though in my foolish youth I never finished it, and so when it was re-released with updated graphics for the 3DS in 2011 I bought it upon release. This purchase unleashed the Zelda fan hidden inside me, I immediately made it my life goal to play through them all, every entry in the series. To this day I’ve made a lot of progress, I’ve played some that were great and some that weren’t so great (Zelda: II, I’m looking at you) and while my favourite will probably always be Link’s Awakening there’s one more that I’ve been waiting to play, one that some would attack me in the street for calling myself a Zelda fan without playing, one that I tried to play at age 10 but failed so epically that I never returned: The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Regarded as the weirdest and creepiest entry in the series I felt it only right to purchase the beautiful special edition New 3DS XL in order to play this game the way it was intended with dual thumbstick control. So let’s have a look and see what came in the box.

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Metroid Prime Trilogy – Better For Not Being Another HD Remake.

When I saw on the January Nintendo Direct that amongst the new digital Wii ports announced for the Wii U was the Metroid Prime Trilogy I sat back down nearly as fast as I’d leapt up. Initially I was glad that we were going to be able to replay these classics without having to pay the ridiculous amount of money it costs to buy a physical copy of this rare Wii game on eBay. My happiness was rather marred though as I realised this meant we weren’t going to get the HD remaster of these games I had been hoping for. Yet after re-playing these timeless classics I’ve realised that actually they benefit from not being remade into something new, in that they retain that original Metroid Prime feeling.

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monitor or tv

Review – Sony KDL50W8 The Best Gaming TV Available Today?

I often dispute with my fellow gamers about my preference of gaming on a big screen TV instead of a monitor. After all it is a very important discussion as without a screen you can’t get very far no matter what game you play.

I see the advantage to using a monitor, it means you can get up close and personal and they are usually designed to handle motion well which is of course important, although I much prefer gaming on a colossal TV, relaxed on the sofa. Get a big enough TV and you get the same effect of playing with your face three inches from a monitor. Read more …

ruby sapphire demo

Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire Demo Impressions


Recently Nintendo sent me an exclusive download code for the Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire Demo, in anticipation of the games release I figured I’d give it a whirl. My full copy of Alpha Sapphire is downloading now and in a weeks’ time I will have a full review up for you, but until then I wanted to have a quick look at the impression I was left with after the demo and the elements I hope to see implemented in the new release. Read more …

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