Tag: Zero1Gaming


Zombie Army Trilogy Review

The only good National Socialist is a dead National Socialist. Unless they’re the undead, in which case… Ah hell, there are no good National Socialists. But that being so, in Rebellion’s Zombie Army Trilogy, we’re given the tools needed to balance that equation right out.

Originally released as DLC for Sniper Elite V2, ZAT delivers remastered versions of those two zombie blasters, as well as a brand new chunk of brains to splatter across walls. Set in an alternate reality where Hitler, the fat handed twat, instead of blowing his brains out in his Berlin bunker, initiates “Plan C”, releasing a undead horror upon a dilapidated Germany. With the country now full of zombified Nazis, it’s time to break out the old Springfield and head for home.

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One of the early selling points that Sony used to differentiate their new machine from the competition was it’s ‘innovative’ sharing functions. The features promised us that now, with the simple click of a button, your screenshots and videos would be whisked away by the internet fairies to be deposited on the social media outlet of your choice. More than a year on from launch, I had began to ask myself, does anyone actually care?

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Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare Review

We’re at that time of year where we’ve played through the games we got in the madness that was the holiday season and we’re now waiting, semi-patiently, for the big hitters of 2015 to land in our grubby mitts. So, while we’re waiting for Bloodbourne, The Witcher 3 and Uncharted 4, what’s worth playing?

Well, I’m here to tell you that Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare on PS4 could be just the filler to plug that gaming gap of yours… so to speak. Is it a perfect game? No. But it is a very well designed and, most importantly, fun game to play. Let’s get started shall we?

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2014: The Year in Review

2014 was a strange year for video games. It was the year that saw the PS4 and XB1 smash console sales records, despite not having any truly compelling games to play on them. It was the year of buggy, broken or just plain disappointing 3rd party titles. It was the year of “GamerGate”. It was the year in which Nintendo sat in the corner and quietly released smash hit after smash hit. In short, 2014 was a bit of a roller-coaster.

With the year behind us and 2015 beckoning us hither, I wanted to take a moment and reflect on where we are and how we got here.

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