Category: Late to the Party


Pick a Patch of Pikmin 3

Now that I’ve fully recovered from my holiday hangover it’s time to stop phoning in my articles and get to the real nitty gritty. There are video games out there and I’ve been playing them! Some of them are so good that I would even recommend them to other people, such as yourselves. And where are these “passable” video games you ask? Well they are on the forgotten console, the WiiU. And the passable game I’m talking about this week is another installment in one of Nintendos newest franchises “Pikmin.” Pikmin 3 for the WiiU was already reviewed by our very own Joseph way back in October, but I’ve got something he doesn’t have; trust issues and a hair trigger temper, also I’ve played the other 2 games in the series.

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Jonah Lomu Rugby – Demented Moles At The Ready

As a child I used to play a lot of rugby. This was in no small part due to the fact that I was quite fat and not very good at football, but rugby seemed to come a bit more naturally to me. Based on that description, my position was a second row lock or, for those whose only exposure to rugby is watching England play, the really tall ones who are relatively near the middle of the scrums (or cuddles as my wife calls them). As I moved up the age groups the other players became progressively taller than me, to the point where the guy next to me was a clear foot taller and the scrums were lopsided. I got moved into the tight head prop position (the short fat guys right in the middle), and to this day I attribute this as the fact that I am the same height now that I was when I was 15. Eventually a love of chips and smoking, as well as a repulsion to exercise forced me out of the game but, in the same way fat skinheads with Chelsea FC tattoos on their neck and 20 Egyptian B&H in his pocket think that they could still make it because they’re a bit good on FIFA, I still think I could play for England because I was a legend on Jonah Lomu Rugby. Read more …

Deus Ex: Human Revolution 1

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Following the recent murmuring about a new Deus Ex game and possibly a Deus Ex movie (murmuring in the form of some not-so-subtle trademarking), and following the news that a Wii-U port was being released in May, I thought this to be ample reason to take a look back at the third instalment in the venerable Deus Ex series. Given the option, would you be prepared to upgrade and improve your body with mechanical implants that render you an all-purpose super-human with super-strength, capable of jumping off of tall buildings and turning invisible? Of course would. Yes, you would, I would, Steve would; everybody would. Apparently, by 2027 the average IQ has plummeted below that of the average kidney bean.

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