Category: PSVita

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Ys Man

Anyone who knows me is likely well aware of my proclivity for collecting games. Sometimes, this can happen as the result of a lucky find, but most of my acquisitions come from ordering things online. Over the years, I dare say I’ve given Amazon, GAME, ShopTo and other retailers a sizeable chunk of my disposable income, such as it is.

With that said, I’m still very careful about what I collect. My hoard of games may not have the appearance of quality over quantity, but there’s very little chaff amongst the wheat. I’ve been known to prune my collection from time to time as well, selling or trading in games which I don’t feel belong, though this is rare.

So to summarise, I normally buy games online, am very specific about what I buy and rarely ever trade in games. Let me tell you about how I bought Ys: Memories of Celceta. Read more …

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PSVita – A Convert’s First Impressions (Part 2)

I’ve only had my shiny new Vita for a little while; not long enough to draw any lasting conclusions about its worth as a console, but certainly adequate to form some initial impressions. Part 1 of this article was scheduled to go up on Tuesday of this week, but due to technical issues it was only released yesterday. I can barely tolerate my own writing, so I completely understand if two walls of text in as many days are a bit too much – feel free to bookmark and come back later if you so desire. For those of you only too eager to learn more, however: read on. Read more …



The PlayStation Vita is struggling. You know it, I know it, and Sony must know it. Since its release in 2012 it’s struggled to gain traction amongst consumers, either due to its initial high price, the decision to use expensive proprietary memory cards, or the lack of standout games, the device is unfortunately languishing, but at least it has the Wii U for company.

Things may be looking up for Sony’s little black handheld. It’s compatibility and cross-platform functions with the PlayStation 4 are being touted left, right and centre, and finally we have the one thing that we’ve really need, the must buy game. A game that makes sure of the Vita’s functions without feeling gimmicky, a game that looks and plays beautifully, and a game experience that you can’t get on another platform. That game is here, that game is Tearaway. Read more …


Football Manager Handheld 2013 Review – Forgetting My Family

I should say first that this is my first attempt at the Football Manager series; I’m normally a Champ Man…erm, man. The only problem is that Championship Manager 2010 asks just a little too much of my laptop so I decided to pick up the handheld version of FM 2013 to get my football fix. A couple of important things to know about this review before I get going; I’m one of those ever-so-slightly tactically naïve managers who’s more interested in buying in youth players and carefully developing them than setting up complex team tactics and set piece routines. In fact, this is one of things that’s turned me off from more recent CM/FM editions – they’re just a little too in depth for me to maintain interest. Also, I’m playing it on an HTC One X; with its quad core processor it’s no slouch but depending what you’re playing it on will probably affect how it runs (a friend of mine showed me his game on his iPad and it was at least twice as quick as mine).

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Silent Hill: Book of Memories

Silent Hill: Book of Memories is not a Silent Hill game. It really isn’t. Silent Hill games are characterised by their oppressive, heavy atmosphere. They are characterised by their awkward, panicky combat. Most importantly, they are characterised by being scary. WayForward Technologies took these factors into consideration and then completely ignored them, and what they made was a simple, top-down, four-player dungeon crawler. I’m not against developers taking franchises in completely new directions (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for example), but this is like the new Mario game being a bullet-hell shooter.

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