While attending EGX 2014 at Earl’s Court, London on Thursday 25th September 2014, I caught up with Gary Napper, Lead Designer for upcoming The Creative Assembly & Sega title Alien: Isolation.
We covered a number of topics throughout our interview including the following:
- The team’s initial goals when they first started work on Alien: Isolation
- How they went about making the game scary
If you and I were in a petrol station with an Alien what would we do?
- We Discuss the basic premise of the game
- What is the player’s goal in the game?
- Gary’s must-see moment from the game
- How much replay value will the game have?
Once you meet the Alien, all bets are off!
- The game’s core mechanics, including what threats are there, other than the Alien?
- What the biggest challenge in designing the game was
- What the nature of the Alien is in the game
The whole theme of being alone, isolated and trying to survive is definitely the core of the experience
- What’s the best way to experience the game?
- How much of an inspiration were the various films?
- Does Gary still get scared by the game?
- How long will the main campaign last?
Take a moment to listen to the interview at the top of the article and learn about why Alien: Isolation is the must-have game of winter 2014.
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Paul Izod
Paul Izod is a lifelong gamer. Since he was old enough to tap at his Dad's PC's keyboard he's been a gamer. Dedicated and often opinionated, you can be sure he'll always have something interesting to say about the subject at hand. Find him on Twitter at or or email him at