Microsoft and 343 Industries have released a teaser video for Halo 5: Guardians. A for the game was spotted on tumblr yesterday, featuring a timer counting down to 1am GMT Monday/6pm PT Sunday. The video shows a bullet being shot out of a sniper rifle. The video follows the bullet as it collides into Master Chief’s helmet, shattering it. It ends with the Halo 5: Guardians logo and the hashtag #HuntTheTruth. The video was prematurely snatched by users, who uploaded it on YouTube before it was quickly taken down by Microsoft. Microsoft has since “officially” uploaded the video and attached it to the tumblr page.
However, the countdown on the site is still going. Does this mean we are in for a full length trailer on Monday?
Stay tuned to find out.
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Ryan Mills
I have always had a passion for writing, filmmaking and animating. I split my time between playing video games, writing about games and talking about games. If I’m not doing that I’m either cheering on my beloved Newcastle United or fighting crime
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