Nintendo has announced that it has seen a 40% decrease in global 3DS sales from Q4 2013 to Q4 2014. 4.99 million 3DS units were sold globally during the holiday season. As a result, Nintendo has decreased its projected sales for 2015. The handheld, according to the company, did not grow sufficiently in the Western markets.
However, Nintendo did announce that software sales increased in 2014. A total of 53.04 million units of software were sold, with Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire contributing significantly.
Nintendo also announced that the New 3DS and New 3DS XL had solid starts in Japan and Australia. The new XL is due to launch in Europe and North America on February 13th.
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Ryan Mills
I have always had a passion for writing, filmmaking and animating. I split my time between playing video games, writing about games and talking about games. If I’m not doing that I’m either cheering on my beloved Newcastle United or fighting crime
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