A video playthrough of part of Xcom: Enemy Unknown which gives an overview of the base management in the game, then give the once over to the squad combat, finally giving an overall verdict on the game! This review is designed to give viewers a feel for what the game is like, while giving a review at the same time.
This links well to my previous text review article on Xcom: Enemy Unknown, which you can find here: https://zero1gaming.com/2012/11/05/xcom-enemy-unknown-reflective-review/
All feedback is welcome and if you like what you see, or disagree, let me know with a comment on the video, add me on twitter or email me
© 2012 – 2014, zero1gaming.com. All rights reserved. On republishing this article your must provide a link to this original post
Paul Izod
Paul Izod is a lifelong gamer. Since he was old enough to tap at his Dad's PC's keyboard he's been a gamer. Dedicated and often opinionated, you can be sure he'll always have something interesting to say about the subject at hand. Find him on Twitter at or or email him at