EGX Interview – Scott Richmond – Lead Programmer on War for the Overworld

war for ov

While attending EGX 2014 at Earl’s Court, London on Thursday 25th September 2014, I caught up with Scott Richmond, Lead Programmer for Subterranean Games title War for the Overworld.

We covered a number of topics throughout our interview including the following:

  • What type of game it is
  • How did the team come together? 

    We’re all massive fans of Dungeon Keeper

  • When will it be released?
  • Is it Multiplayer or Solo?
  • What was the biggest challenge during the development process?
  • How much has the game cost to make so far?
  • What are the company’s future plans?
  • What makes the game fun to play? 

    It’s the anti-Diablo

  • What Scott thinks is the stand out feature of the game?
  • We discuss Steam early-access

Take a moment to listen to the interview at the top of the article and learn a bit about this nostalgic title.

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About Paul Izod
Paul Izod is a lifelong gamer. Since he was old enough to tap at his Dad's PC's keyboard he's been a gamer. Dedicated and often opinionated, you can be sure he'll always have something interesting to say about the subject at hand. Find him on Twitter at or or email him at