Planet Diver created by Fabraz, for PC and mobile devices, follows the story of a daredevil who wants to check the next bad-A activity off of her bucket list, that activity being planet diving with a wing suit. The game follows her and Buddy, her robot companion, as they dive through the vast expanses of a few distinct planets destroying and dodging obstacles and creatures. Read more …
Rogue State Review
So there are reasons why I am not in power. Reasons why I cannot be trusted with authority and they all come down to a single, very definite character flaw: I have terrible impulse control. For example, my wife once left me alone for two minutes with a pair of tiki torches and a friend. When she returned, we were duelling to the death with flaming spears of terror because of course we were.
Ark: Survival Evolved Xbox One Game Preview
Ark:Survival Evolved has made it to Xbox Game Preview. After being available on Steam’s early access since June, many PC gamers have already had a chance to enjoy this Dinosaur infested survival game, I however, hadn’t managed to give it a go so began my journey with this console version.
Playing the Field: Why I Have Switched to PES 2016 from FIFA
Back in the day, in the long forgotten times of the original Playstation, I got a small little game called International Superstar Soccer ’98 (ISS Pro 98). From that day a long relationship with Konami football games blossomed which lasted for about twelve years. Then, one fateful day in 2010, there was a messy break up which led to me swapping to FIFA. I can’t remember exactly what caused the switch, it was likely a combination of dip in form from Konami, EA raising its game and the peer pressure of my then flatmate who pestered me for months, convinced the latter was better.
Quality Over Quantity in Video Games
When The Order: 1886 was released earlier this year, rather than focusing on any of the game’s many positive points, most discussion of the game was invariably stuck on its short length and it’s perceived lack of ‘value for money’. Whatever happened to the idea of quality over quantity? Read more …
Life is Strange: Episode 5 – Polarized Review
Whilst it’s obvious to anyone who has played Dontnod’s excellent episodic adventure game that the life of protagonist Max Caulfield is certainly strange, what’s even stranger is that this series has been a triumph. Life is Strange rapped up recently with the final episode of the first series, Polarized. Read more …