     During a long day of summer classes and work, I tend to take to my iPhone App Store in search of new games to ease my stress and relax my worries. I came across this game the other day called LASER!. It is an endless dodging game. You play as a cube and your job is to bounce along the path without getting hit by lasers that are being shot at you. I was drawn to the game because of its color scheme and design. It reminded me a lot of Monument Valley, because of its beige, teal, and salmon colors as well as its simplistic style.

At first I assumed that the game was created by the same people; however, it is not. As I read the description and started playing the game, it felt more like Pinna, simply because  it is a how far can you get type of game. Because of this similarity, I just knew that I would love the game. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. As I played and died and played and died, I quickly lost interest in LASER!. Eventually, I stopped playing altogether. However, for the life of me I could not understand specifically why I did not enjoy the game. I mean I really enjoy Pinna, I still have it downloaded on my phone. After much contemplation the best I could come up with was that I hated having to start from the beginning when I died. Even though you technically start over on Pinna, it does not appear as though you do since there isn’t really any scenery in the game. Unlike in LASER! there is actually a scenery as well as specific obstacles that are located at specific parts in the game. What frustrated me the most was having to go through the same obstacles every single time I died. After coming to this realization, I finally understand why I never liked games like Flappy Bird. I’ve said all this to say that although I did not enjoy LASER!, it allowed me to go more in depth with what games I enjoy and which I do not.

     So I guess this was a weird type of review, in the sense that it really was not one. If you appreciate endless dodging games like Flappy Bird than you should totally check LASER! out. It’s free in the App Store, plus it does have a nice and simplistic style similar to Monument Valley.

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About Taylor Barkley
It’s actually quite simple. I love writing. I love playing video games. So, why not combine the two? When I’m not focusing on my academics, I’m either writing or playing video games. As a writer and avid reader I love a good story, because of this I tend to lean towards games that have a strong narrative aspect. Currently, I am studying Computer Science and Game Design in North Carolina. My ultimate goal being to one day make a name for myself in the game narrative field.